Selected Publications

The exponential growth in creation and consumption of various forms of digital data has led to the emergence of new application workloads such as machine learning, data analytics and search. These workloads process large amounts of data and hence pose increased demands on the on-chip and off-chip interconnects of modern computing systems. Therefore, techniques that can improve the energy-efficiency and performance of interconnects are becoming increasingly important.
In ICCAD 2018

In this work, we explore ACCLIB, a design framework aimed at improving the ease with which software developers can utilize libraries of existing hardware accelerators, without detailed prior knowledge of the fuction of the accelerators, or even of hardware design more broadly.
In DATE 2018

Recent Publications

  • AxBA: An Approximate Bus Architecture


  • ACCLIB: Accelerators as Libraries


  • Energy-Aware Memory Mapping for Hybrid FRAM-SRAM MCUs in Intermittently-Powered IoT Devices


Recent Talks

Purdue Microbrewer quickly and easily generates various RISCV-powered microcontrollers from an XML configuration file and a library of peripherals, providing the configured RTL, drivers, documentation, and scripts for FPGA synthesis.
RISCV International Conference 2017

RISCV-Business is an open source project aimed at creating a configurable, extendable RISC-V core for university researchers and those trying to learn about computer architecture through a hands on approach.
RISCV International Conference 2017


National Voter File

NVF provides an easy-to-use, modern-era database with voter files for grassroots candidates


Quicksilver is a simple 2D accelerator with an APB interface

RISCV Business

A clean, documented, configurable processor implementing the RISCV ISA


TrackRx is a hardware/software system aimed at promoting prescription adherence and deterring abuse
